
For Crop Insurance

SuperCrop (Crop Insurance)

“SuperCrop” is an online application for brokers to give access to their associates, partners, societies, self-help groups & insurance companies to add, view, verify and manage crop insurance related enrolments and crop cutting experiments at field with geo-tacking.

  • It is a web based application, which is integrated with brokers website so external users like associates, partners & self help groups can add, manage and verify farmer and crop enrolment data for non-loanee farmers through Android App SuperCrop.
  • Offline farmer & crop data with geo tagging can be entered at remote location by users and synched with main server depending upon internet connectivity.
  • Crop cutting experiment can be performed using tab or mobile with geo tacking values.
  • Linked with SAIBA through secured API’s, so that there is no duplication of DATA and double entries.
  • Access can be given to insurer for document and data verification of each policy and related documents.
  • Key client: Leads Insurance Brokers.

Farmer Enrolment Process

  • This module is for enrolment of non loanee farmers for PMFBY & WBCIS.
  • Enrolment process can be done by brokers own employees or through self help groups, societies or co-operative societies.
This module allows:
  • Complete registration process
  • Local agent login
  • Geo tagging of data
  • Instant data verification
  • Tehsil, District, Branch and Head Office level data verification
  • Online data transfer to Insurers
  • Insurer login to verify and download of data
  • Various data analysis report

Crop Cutting Experiment

  • This module is for crop cutting experiment. Comprehensive process for maintaining crop cutting experiment data.
Some of the key features are :
  • Android based application
  • Local agent login
  • Geo tagging of entire process
  • Facility to sync data with server over high speed internet
  • Instant data verification
  • Tehsil, District, Branch and Head Office level data verification
  • Various data analysis report


SuperCrop has been developed using most advanced microsoft technologies which are:
  • AngularJS
  • ASP.Net MVC
  • WCF
  • Microsoft SQL server 2012
  • SAP Crystal reports
  • Power BI
  • Linked with SAIBA, through secured APIs, so no duplication of data

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